Senin, 20 Mei 2019

Tehnik memasak slow cooking

Teknik memasak slow cooking

Teknik slow cooking atau memasak dengan suhu rendah dalam waktu yang lama adalah salah satu teknik memasak yang terkenal ampuh melezatkan masakan. Di Indonesia, teknik ini selalu digunakan untuk menghasilkan daging yang berserat lembut dan kaya bumbu. Meski membutuhkan waktu pemasakan yang lama, teknik ini sangat layak Anda coba! Ingin menghadirkan olahan daging sapi, babi, atau kambing panggang nan lezat di meja makan Anda nanti malam? Ada dua metode pengolahan yang bisa Anda pilih: menggunakan slow cooker (panci masak lambat) atau oven.

Ciri khas teknik memasak yang lama atau slow cooking ini terletak pada penggunaan api kecil atau sedang. “Teknik ini memperlambat penutupan pori-pori pada bahan makanan sehingga bumbu bisa masuk ke dalam makanan tersebut,” kata Chef Heriyanto yang menjabat sebagai Ketua Dewan Penasihat Indonesian Chef Association (ICA) BPD Riau.

Salah satu contoh hidangan yang menggunakan teknik slow cooking ini adalah ayam bakar khas Padang. Saat memasak, ayam biasanya diungkep dulu bersama bumbu. Setelah itu baru dibakar. Ciri khas masakan Indonesia terlihat pula pada penggunaan bumbu yang digiling halus sampai berbentuk seperti pasta. Hasilnya, masakan akan mengeluarkan aroma khas yang dapat mengundang selera. Namun, proses pembuatan bumbu halus ini, lagi-lagi, membuat waktu memasak jadi lama.

1. Ciri dari metode slow cooking adalah:

-Memasak lebih dari 3 jam
-Suhu rendah dan stabil
-Proses memasak dalam wadah tertutup
-Percampuran rasa antar bahan yang dimasak sangat besar

2. Kelebihan dari metode ini:

-Tidak perlu ditunggu, dapat ditinggal pergi ke luar rumah ataupun tidur
-Masakan menjadi lunak
-Masakan menjadi matang sempurna

3.Dalam menggunakan teknik slow cooking, hal yang utama diperhatikan yaitu penempatan yang tepat. Berikut beberapa tempat yang tepat saat memasak slow cooking :

 - Sebaiknya jangan menyimpan wadah saat memasak slow cooking di atas meja kayu. Anda dapat menyimpannya di atas keramik, kemudian berikan alas kaki tiga sebagai pelindungnya.
-Jarak antara wadah dan dinding jangan terlalu dekat.
-Usahakan kabel yang menggantung di tepi meja segera dirapikan, karena dapat menyebabkan bahaya.

4. dalam memasak slow cooking masalah keamanan juga perlu diperhatikan agar tidak terjadi sesuatu yang tidak Anda inginkan, Yakni :

-Hindari penyimpanan makanan yang beku di dalam slow cooking. Sebab, slow cooking tidak dapat membantu Anda dalam memasak masakanan ataupun menghilangkan bakteri yang terdapat di dalam makanan yang beku.
-Gunakan suhu api yang tinggi hingga satu jam pertama, kemudian turunkan untuk memanaskan makanan saat mendekati matang.
-Buanglah makanan yang ada di dalam slow cooking saat listrik sedang mati. Sebab, menghindari bakteri yang akan bermunculan



Rabu, 15 Mei 2019

Daily activity 12 English version smtr 2


Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh,

Alhamdulillah, today has entered the last day of our practice this week and is the last day of our practice in semester 2, before conducting the final test, ok today we go back to the kitchen to continue the practice, we come on campus around 07.00, and get ready ready to oneline and check grooming, as well as attendance.

 We started oneline around 7:30 a.m. and checked attendance, after that we resumed oneline in cool kitchen, and heard directions from seniors about what was prepared yesterday, and gave an explanation of the food menu today, Today my group worked on the Chinese Spinach and Peanut Salad appetizer menu, and alhamdulillah, yesterday we prepared some ingredients that needed to be prepared.

After all of our ingredients are removed from the chiller, we also start to prepare all the tools or needs that will be used, yesterday we prepared spinach and peanuts which have been pureed. Making Chinese spinach and peanut salad is rather easy because the ingredients are only few and affordable. And maybe the fastest group finished today is our group.

the first thing we did was to cook spinach leaves using boiling water but not too long and the time used to cook spinach was only brief, if too long it would cause the color of spinach to turn pale green (brown). Others make sauces and get ready for plating before explaining the food. After all is done. A representative from my friend will face the office to explain the food, my group is represented by Arni Isnaini.

After explaining the food, we also take a break to get ready for the midnight prayer. After that we got ready to eat, while friends prepared food for the nation's children, I along with Sheren washed the tools we had used before the GC started, after we finished cleaning the tools, we joined to eat and after we finished eating. The GC starts, we only clean the cool kitchen and surrounding areas as well as the page section.

After we finished doing general cleaning, we also rested and prepared to perform the prayer, after completing the prayer, we also waited until ADH finished doing general cleaning in the main kitchen (playing kitchen) and pastry and bakery. until the time came, friends from ADH had finished doing general cleaning, and it was our turn to oneline before we went home. We go home around 17:25. And thank you for today guys.

Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

A. Ingridients :

- Spinach ,tough ends removed. 500 gr
- Raw peanuts. 1 cup
- Peanut oil or vegetable oil. 1 tbsp
 -Chinese black vineggar. 2 tbsp
 -Light soy sauce. 1 tbsp
- Sugar. 1 tbsp
- Salt. ½ tsp
- Minced ginger roasted white sesame seed for decoration. 2 tsp

 B.Procedure :

- Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add spinach and over medium heat untill cooked through ,about two minutes. Drain spinach set aside to cool
- Add oil and peanuts to a wok or small skillet. Heat oil medium heat and stir with a spatula continuously ,the skin off the peanuts turns dark brown and the peanuts turn golden brown. Turn off heat immendiately and tran peanuts to a plate cool
- Combine black vineggar soy sauce ,sugar,salt into a small bowl mix well and set aside.
- When spinach is cool enogh to handle ,squueze a water out of it with both hands. Chop spinach into pieces about 8 centimeters or 3 inches in lenght and transfer several smal serving bowls.
- Right before serving ,top spinach with peanuts and dried with vinegar sauce. Garnish with sesame seeds serve immediately.

Daily activity 12 Indonesia version smtr 2


Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh,

Alhamdulillah, hari ini telah memasuki hari terakhir kita melakukan praktek di minggu ini dan merupakan hari terakhir praktek kita di semester 2, sebelum melakukan final tes, ok hari ini kami kembali ke kithen untuk melanjutkan praktek, kami datang di kampus sekitar pukul 07.00, dan bersiap siapa untuk oneline dan pengecekan grooming, serta kehadiran. 

 Kami mulai oneline sekitar jam 07.30 dan melakukan pengecekan kehadiran, setelah itu kami melanjutkan kembali oneline di dalam cool kitchen, dan mendengar arahan dari senior mengenai apa apa saja yang telah di persiapkan (prepare) kemarin, dan memberikan penjelasan mengenai menu makanan pada hari ini, hari ini kelompok saya mengerjakan menu appetizer yaitu chinese spinach and peanut salad, dan alhamdulillah, kemarin kami telah mempersiapkan sebagian  bahan bahan yang perlu untuk di prepare.

Setelah semua bahan kami keluarkan dari chiller, kamipun mulai untuk mempersiapkan semua alat atau keperluan yang akan di pakai, kemarin kami telah prepare spinach dan kacang tanah yang sudah di haluskan. Pembuatan chinese spinach and peanut salad agak gampang karena bahan bahannya yang cuman sedikit dan terjangkau. Dan mungkin kelompok yang paling cepet selesai hari ini adalah kelompok kami.

pertama tama yang kami lakukan adalah memasak daun bayam dengan menggunakan air yang mendidih (boil) tapi jangan terlalu lama dan waktu yang di gunakan untuk memasak bayam hanya singkat, apabila terlalu lama akan mengakibatkan warna pada bayam akan berubah menjadi berwarna hijau pucat (kecoklatan). Sedangkan yang lain membuat saus dan bersiap siap untuk plating sebelum explain makanan. Setelah semua selesai. Perwakilan dari teman saya akan menghadap di office untuk explain makanan, kelompok saya diwakili oleh Arni Isnaini.

Setelah explain makanan kamipun istirahat untuk bersiap2 untuk shalat dzuhur. Setelah itu kami bersiap siap untuk makan, sambil teman teman menyiapkan makanan untuk anak bangsa, saya bersama sheren mencuci alat alat yang telah kami gunakan sebelum GC di mulai, setelah alat alat selesai kami bersihkan, kamipun bergabung untuk makan dan setelah kami selesai makan. GC dimulai, kami hanya membersihkan bagian cool kitchen dan sekitarnya serta bagian halaman.

Setelah kami selesai melakukan general cleaning, kamipun istirahat dan bersiap siap untuk melaksanakan shalat, setelah selesai melaksanakan shalat, kamipun menunggu sampai ADH selesai melakukan general cleaning di dapur utama (main kitchen) serta pastry and bakery. sampai waktunya tiba teman teman dari ADHpun selesai melakukan general cleaning, dan giliran kami untuk oneline sebelum kami pulang. Kami pulang sekitar pukul 17:25. Dan terima kasih untuk hari ini guys.

Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

A. Ingridients :

- Spinach ,tough ends removed.     500 gr
- Raw peanuts.           1 cup
- Peanut oil or vegetable oil.        1 tbsp
 -Chinese black vineggar.          2 tbsp
 -Light soy sauce.         1 tbsp
- Sugar.         1 tbsp
- Salt.         ½ tsp
- Minced ginger roasted white sesame seed for decoration.       2 tsp

 B.Procedure :

- Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add spinach and over medium heat untill cooked through ,about two minutes. Drain spinach set aside to cool
- Add oil and peanuts to a wok or small skillet. Heat oil medium heat and stir with a spatula continuously ,the skin off the peanuts turns dark brown and the peanuts turn golden brown. Turn off heat immendiately and tran peanuts to a plate cool
- Combine black vineggar soy sauce ,sugar,salt into a small bowl mix well and set aside.
- When spinach is cool enogh to handle ,squueze a water out of it with both hands. Chop spinach into pieces about 8 centimeters or 3 inches in lenght and transfer several smal serving bowls.
- Right before serving ,top spinach with peanuts and dried with vinegar sauce. Garnish with sesame seeds serve immediately.

Daily activity 11 english version smtr 2


Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh,

Welcome guys again, hehehe today is the last day of our meeting before the final test, well the last second meeting in the week of practice. We will practice this rotation menu II.4. The menu is Japanese cuisine, which is norimaki sushi. And before that we waited in front of the kitchen until what time before we were oneline.

After a few hours before oneline we went into the kitchen to continue the practice, and today we happen to be oneline and practice in cool kithen. Before we practiced, we were oneline because there was a presentation from seniors about the menu today, after that we continued our practice, yesterday we prepared all ingredients for the manufacture of norimaki sushi, and cut up vegetables that will be used like cucumbers.

Today we started to cook rice for sushi, and the one who did it was me with Aswan, while others prepared other ingredients such as making sauce and garnish for plating later. So I with Aswan cooked 1 kg of rice, and even then it was still mostly. After everything was finished we waited for the rice to cool slightly so that it was easy to make sushi, while waiting for the other friends to finish their menu, me and another friend cleared / cleaned the tools that had been used.

After that we continue to prepare for tomorrow's menu, namely chinese food, and this time we make an appetizer menu, namely chinese spinach and peanut salad. I was responsible for preparing spinach while the others prepared beans and ginger, which made us prepare for a long time, spinach which was picked one by one, and the stem was not used. Only the leaves are used.

After that, friends started to plating before explaining, everything was finished before 12 o'clock, after completion we also did general cleaning, but we only cleaned the cool parts of the kitchen and around the office, and other friends cleaned the garden and some of the pastry and bakery . then after doing GC or more precisely the kitchen is clean we also rest and eat, while waiting for ADH to finish.

Finally, until the time ADH finished doing general cleaning, our class started oneline and prepared to go home because today is the recitation schedule and we must hurry to go home before the prayer time, we go home around 17.40 and see you tomorrow friends, tomorrow we still practice in a cool kitchen and thank you for today.

Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Recipe norimaki:

A. Ingredients:
- rice. 650 gr
- nori. 7 layer
- tobikko. 300 gr
- egg, beaten. 2 pcs
- cucmber, cut into juliene. 2 pcs
B. Sushizu:
- vinegar. 180 gr
- sugar. 130 gr
- salt. 40 gr

C. Procedure:
- mix all ingredients sushizu and boil, than cool to room temperature.
- for egg, make a thin omelette.
- make steam rice, and mix with sushizu.
- portin rice to 7 portons (90 gr/portion). Take makisu and put nori, rice and filling sushi like a cucumber, tobikko and omelette. Then roll.
- cut norimaki into 8 pieces and serve with shoyu.

Daily activity 8 english version smtr 2


Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh,

Hay guys, starting today on the fourth day, the last day we practiced this week, well today I have been better and my body has started to recover and is able to move again Today maybe I am still a little confused, because yesterday I did not join because of illness. And there is nothing to attend and attend in the kitchen to practice.

Okay, today we also started the practice and took out all the ingredients prepared by my group friends, and today's menu is Thai beef salad (yam Neua). Yesterday my friend had prepared liquid and sauce. And has cut up onion, garlic, cucumber, and other ingredients.

Meanwhile we began to roast beef cut into pieces using a grill. The roasting machine to be used is a little problematic, because the left side doesn't want to be activated, so that only the right side can deliver heat. While we were grilling, my other group friends tried to open the next part until it arrived in the end too.

After that, the roasting process was finished quickly, because the heat was complete for all the roasting machines, after finishing in Panggan, we also started to platting, we all learned to plating and vary the results of our plating. After finishing the plating, we are also ready to rest and eat. What is eaten for the national children's menu is the result of our practice today and today's menu is very tasty, because there are beef salads, gai tod takrai, and also tom yum.

Before we eat we explain the food of a group. Where is my friend sheren who will explain our menu today. After all groups have finished explaining, we also start to eat. After finishing eating, we did a large number of general cleaning, because of the consideration to go home there was an activity that would be carried out by the teaching lecturer in Bandung. Waiting for the lecture to be canceled / closed. being a large GC is being moved today, so today GC is being helped by friends from ADH. Too long.

After completing the GC, we also took a break while waiting for Oneline, after we finished oneline, we were given the task by the lecturer who conducted a survey of tourists who came to Makassar to visit and travel. By filling in the paper provided. We were divided into two groups. The first group surveyed restaurants, restaurants. While our group conducted a survey of tourists visiting tourist attractions in Makassar.

Alhamdulillah, so our activities today will bring benefits.
Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.

Ingridients :
1,4 kg Whole Chicken ,opened butterfly backbone removed and cut into 8 pieces. Remove all the bones
1,2 L Chicken stock
4 tbsp Oil
2 stalks Lemongrass,bruised
3 Kaffir lime leaves ,torn
300 gr Pumpkin ,cut into 3/4 cm cubes
200 gr Sweet corn kernels ,blanched
100 gr Spinach,cleaned
4 tbsp Lemon basil
To taste Salt
To taste Ground white pepper

1. Brine chicken pieces for 5 hours .

2.To make the spice paste ,combine all ingridients in stone mortar or food processor and grind into a very fine taste

3. Transfer the spice paste into a soup into a soup pot. add 3 tbsp stock and saute over medium heat untill fragrant.Cool take one third of the spice blend abd evenly marinate all chicken pieces.

4.In a non-stick pan ,heat 4 tbsp oil and quickly sear chicken pieces untill they are lightly golden on both sides.This will let a lot off delicious chicken flavour to the dish .Cool the chicken to room temperature and vacum seal in heat resistant plastic bags.Vacuum cook chicken at 65 derajat celcius for 5 minutes.Reserve liquid in the bag for the soup .

5.In soup pot,heat remaining two-third of spice blend,add lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves and saute untiil fragrant .Add pumpkin continue to saute untill pumpkins are evenly coated.

6.Fill soup pot with remaining chicken stock and bring to a boil.Simmer untill the pumpkin is three-quarters.Soft add sweet corn and continue to simmer untill the pumpkin is almost soft.Add spinach and bring back to simmer

7.Place the chicken pieces back in the broth,bring back to a simmer and season to taste with sliced lemon basil ,salt and white pepper.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2019

Daily activity 11 Indonesia version smtr 2


Assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh,

Selamat datang lagi guys, hehehe hari ini adalah hari ke dua terakhir pertemuan kita sebelum final tes, yah pertemuan ke dua terakhir di minggu praktek. Kaki ini kami akan praktekkan menu rotasi II.4 . Yang meruapakan menu masakan jepang yaitu norimaki sushi. Dan sebelum itu kami menunggu di depan kitchen entah sampai jam berapa sebelum kami oneline. 

Setelah beberapa jam menjelang oneline kami pun masuk ke kitchen untuk melanjutkan praktek, dan kebetulan hari ini kami oneline dan praktek di cool kithen. Sebelum kami praktek, kami oneline karena ada penyampaian dari senior mengenai menu pada hari ini, setelah itu kami pun melanjutkan praktek kami, kemarin kami telah mempersiapkan semua bahan bahan pembuatan norimaki sushi, dan memotong-motong sayuran yang akan di pakai seperti mentimun.

Hari ini kami mulai untuk memasak nasi untuk sushi, dan yang mengerjakannya adalah saya dengan aswan, semetara yang lain mempersiapkan bahan lain seperti membuatkan saus dan garnish untuk plating nanti. Jadi saya dengan aswan memasak nasi sebanyak 1 kg, itupun masih kebanyakan. Setelah semua selesai kami menunggu nasi sampai agak dingin supaya mudah dalam pembuatan sushi, sambil menunggu teman teman yang lain menyelesaikan menu mereka, saya dan teman yang lain membereskan/membersihkan alat alat yang telah dipakai.

Setelah itu kami melanjutkan prepare untuk menu besok yaitu chinese food, dan kali ini kami membuat menu makanan pembuka yaitu chinese spinach and peanut salad. saya bertangggung jawab menyiapkan bayam sementara yang lain menyiapkan kacang dan jahe, yang membuat prepare kami lama yaitu bayam yang di petik satu persatu, dan bagian batangnya tidak di gunakan. Yang digunakan hanyalah bagian daunnya saja.

Setelah itu, teman teman mulai untuk plating sebelum di explain, semua selesai sebelum jam 12, setelah selesai kamipun melakukan general cleaning, tapi kami hanya membersihkan bagian cool kitchen saja dan sekitar office, serta asa teman yang lain membersihkan taman dan sebagian dari pastry dan bakery. lalu setelah melakukan GC atau lebih tepatnya kitchen sudah bersih kamipun istirahat dan makan, sambil menunggu ADH selesai.

Akhirnya sampai pada waktunya ADH selesai melakukan general cleaning, kelas kami pun mulai oneline dan bersiap siap untuk pulang karena hari ini adalah jadwal mengaji dan kami harus bergegas untuk pulang sebelum waktu shalat masuk, kami pulang sekitar 17.40 dan sampai jumpa besok teman teman, besok kami masih praktek di cool kitchen dan terima kasih untuk hari ini.

Wassalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

Recipe norimaki:

A. Ingredients:
- rice.       650 gr
- nori.       7 layer
- tobikko.     300 gr
- egg, beaten.      2 pcs
- cucmber, cut into juliene.       2 pcs
B. Sushizu:
- vinegar.     180 gr
- sugar.         130 gr
- salt.           40 gr

C. Procedure:
- mix all ingredients sushizu and boil, than cool to room temperature.
- for egg, make a thin omelette.
- make steam rice, and mix with sushizu.
- portin rice to 7 portons (90 gr/portion). Take makisu and put nori, rice and filling sushi like a cucumber, tobikko and omelette. Then roll.
- cut norimaki into 8 pieces and serve with shoyu.

Equipment and utensil PKN 7

                        EQUIPMENT AND UTENSIL 1.        NAMA : SOUP TURIN  ...